Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Finished

Finished Brotherhood. Cool game - shorter than Assassin’s Creed II but I think more polished. (By the way, when I say I “finished” I mean I finished the story; I’m nowhere near 100% completion, because I’m not a completionist gamer. I think it was somewhere around 40% actually.)

Another cliffhanger ending. Can’t really say anything without spoiling it, but I was a little bit suspicious of that person anyway.

Started Revelations. First thing I noticed is that Desmond’s and Ezio’s faces look completely different! Not just aged, but totally different people. It’s really jarring, especially since the voices are the same. It’s like different actors playing the same part, but they got voiceovers from the original actors.

OH! And for some reason, they changed the controller buttons! Holding Y is no longer eagle sense or synchronize - now it just throws whatever your ranged weapon is. You have to use the left stick button for eagle sense, and those stick buttons are like the worst buttons imaginable.

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