Games Played – September 2017

September was a fairly low-energy, chaotic gaming month. I tried a lot of different games but nothing really clicked. Most of my time in GW2 was spent on either Living Story Season 3 or mindlessly working on map completion while watching television.

  • Guild Wars 2 - 25 hours
  • Elite: Dangerous - 11 hours
  • Final Fantasy XIV - 5 hours
  • 7 Days To Die - 3 hours
  • Lord of the Rings Online - 3 hours
  • Rift - 2 hours
  • Assassin’s Creed 3 - 1 hour
  • Stellaris - 1 hour

This page is a static archival copy of what was originally a WordPress post. It was generated from Markdown files with Hugo, a static web site generator. There may be formatting problems that I haven't addressed yet. There may be problems with missing or mangled images that I haven't fixed yet. There may have been comments on the original post, which I have archived, but I haven't quite worked out how to add them to the new site.

Note: Comments are disabled on older posts.