Pointers in Games
Guild Wars 2 is an awesome game. But there is one thing about it that drives me insane. In fact, I have the same problem with almost every game that has a pointer.
You can’t see the pointer!
This is a major problem in GW2 because many of your abilities are ground-targeted spells, so you need to be able to point to the spot where you want to cast it. (I use the option that automatically casts wherever you are pointing.) If you’re out soloing it’s not a problem, but many times you’re in an epic battle with fifty people pounding on a boss and there’s flashing and fireworks and dazzling spell effects going on all over the place. Picking out the pointer in those situations is near impossible for me. Even when I wave the mouse around like I do on the desktop, it can still take a long time to find the damn thing.
Now I’ll admit I’m an aging gamer, so I’m sure my eyes are part of the problem, but surely there must be some way to solve this problem. Like, for example, making the freakin' pointer bigger when you’re in combat. Like, a LOT bigger. Like 10 times bigger. And put a shadow around it. And make it blink.
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