AC Revelations Finished
Finished the main story in Assassin’s Creed Revelations the other day. Other than the horribly inaccurate face models of Ezio and Desmond which made them look like scarred zombies, I thought it was pretty good, as all Assassin’s Creed games are. The endings always give me a chill, when they bring together the past, present, and future. Well — the past, the past, the past, and the present would be more accurate I guess. And this one was really poignant because I guess after four games, the stories of Altair and Ezio are now finally complete.
As a game, I thought Brotherhood was better. Revelations had these weird bombs and parachutes which I found almost entirely useless in actual gameplay. Except at the very end when you were *required* to use a parachute quite a lot. I dunno, that just seemed a little *too* anachronistic to me. And what happened to the horses??
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