Taurus Demon Down
I finally defeated the second boss in Dark Souls. I say “finally” because I spent quite a lot of time wandering around dying in the Undead Burg, leveling up with the meager amounts of souls I could accumulate from the skeletons there, and gathering bits and pieces of gear. I feel like I know the stretch of the map between the campfire and the boss like the back of my hand now. Two skeletons, run across bridge, three skeletons, up stairs, three skeletons, up the tower, one skeleton sniper, down the stairs, two skeletons and a tough dude, then another skeleton comes running down, and then you’re going up the spiral stairs to the boss area.
I killed the boss on the second try, although I don’t think the first one counted and one could possibly argue that I didn’t technically “kill” him the second time either. On the first attempt, I zapped him with my bolts, ran past him, zapped him some more, then ran past him back toward the ladder, when I suddenly had the brilliant idea to run up the ladder and rain bolts on him from above. That’s when I discovered that the boss climbs up to the top of the tower and squashes you.
On the second try I stayed on the ground, kept my distance, and shot him with sorcerer bolts. I was down to the point where one more shot would have killed him as he was running toward me. I didn’t think I would have enough time to fire again so I decided to be safe and run past him again, and naturally I managed to dodge through a hole in the wall and fell to my death. I was about to blow a gasket when I saw that the boss for some reason jumped down after me and killed himself. A slightly unsatisfying kill, but nevertheless it earned me the loot and allowed me to reach the next campfire. Which, ironically, turned out to be the same campfire as the last one.
By the way, I am playing exclusively with a PS3 controller now.
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