GW2 – Escape from Lion's Arch
Still wanting to want to play GW2 more, but falling short. Here’s a summation of the new GW2 content: Same chaotic zerg fights, different location. I will give them credit for blowing up Lion’s Arch though. That’s cool. But the stuff you do in the blown up zone isn’t enough to pull me away from FFXIV.
I still have no idea who Scarlet is. Or why Lion’s Arch got blown up. Only in this last update was I able to put a face to the name, because it’s the first time I can ever remember seeing Scarlet. At least I assume that was her up on the ship looking diabolical in the cut scene.
But that’s one of the nice things about GW2. You can patch up quickly, log in quickly, watch the new cut scene, warp to the place, find a zerg, auto attack for a bit, throw in some other random skills to see if you can remember what they do, dodge red circles for a while, pick up some loot that probably isn’t worth anything, then log out after 15 or 20 minutes, and you’re pretty much up-to-date with what’s happening in the game world.
Having played so much FFXIV, though, I keep forgetting to pick up my loot. Running over to actually pick stuff up is sooooo last year.
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