On The Radar For 2015
Note that some games aren’t on the following list because I have either a) forgotten about them, or b) never heard of them.
MMORPGs I’m Looking Forward To
These are games that I’m still anxiously awaiting the opportunity to play, because I haven’t yet seen or heard anything to wreck my enthusiasm.
Black Desert. I keep seeing good things.
Skyforge. I keep hearing good things.
Otherland. I have enjoyed some Tad Williams books in the past, so surely a game based on some of his books I haven’t read would be good.
MMORPGs I’m Ambivalent About
I’m not excited about these games per se, but I’ll probably buy or try them because of hype and/or boredom and/or peer pressure.
GW2: Heart of Thorns. I’ll play it, but because it’s GW2 aka. The One RPG Without Meaningful Rewards I’m anticipating that I’ll get bored quickly.
Crowfall. To me, this isn’t even an MMORPG, and I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed by that after the hype wears off. My latest concern is that the ambitious class customization plans will result in PvP balance issues that will ruin the game. (Everyone will keep chasing that one overlooked combination that is bugged and overpowered, resulting in an endless cycle of nerfing disappointment and forum rage.)
EQNext. I’m not burdened by EQ nostalgia, plus I have no reason to think this game will be good. (Where is ACNext Turbine??)
Pathfinder Online*. I’ve never played the tabletop version, and the gameplay appears uninteresting (and the animations are terrible), and it’s open world PvP. When will they learn?
Camelot Unchained*. I hear a lot of buzz about this game but it doesn’t look that great to me. That YouTube video honestly makes it look like the most boring thing in the entire universe. Given the way the devs talk about it, I get the impression that this game is more about being a game engine technology demo than a game.
MMORPGs I’m Undecided About
These are games that are on my radar, but I don’t know enough yet to form an opinion about how much I’d be willing to spend on them.
Shroud of the Avatar*. Seems to be flying under the radar. I hear little or nothing about it, but the gameplay looks tolerable.
Gloria Victis*. I like the look of this game but, you know, it’s open world PvP so it will mostly be a game of staying in town or hiding from people.
Wander. Saw it on Steam. It looks cool. It’s not clear to me if this is a PC game or not though.
MMORPGs I’ve Lost Interest In
These would probably have to be free or sold at a deep discount for me to even try them, unless I start to see a lot more positive buzz.
Star Citizen*. Honestly I’m not sure what this game is right now, but anything targeted at EVE players probably isn’t for me, plus we all know this is vaporware, right? (Just kidding! Don’t freak out!) But seriously, I think the smart money is on this game self-destructing from too much ambition.
Life is Feudal*. I thought there might be something to this game, but so far it looks like a plain old survival building game, and the models and animation need serious work.
Das Tal* and Albion Online*. Overhead views plus open world PvP. Why, god, why?
Pantheon: Something of Something*. Seems unlikely this will ever see the light of day, but if it does, only those handful of people who backed it will delude themselves into thinking it’s fun to replicate late-1990s mechanics. Sorry but this game looks awful right now.
H1Z1*. I don’t even consider this an MMORPG.
Pre-Launch MMORPGs I’ve Already Bought
Trove*. (I think it’s still technically beta.) I like it. Good casual game.
Landmark*. Meh. Just meh. Do we really need a game that’s a thinly-disguised 3D modelling program with a 1980s-style UI font?
The Repopulation*. I haven’t played enough to know what to think of it. But I feel like it’s probably trying to do too much and it’ll never capture that SWG feeling.
Advice To Game Developers
Please perfect your basic artwork assets, models, and animations before releasing anything to the public. It’s a huge turn-off to see placeholder models and animations that make your game look like a high school project. It’s literally the first thing I evaluate to determine if your development effort is serious business or you’re just a bunch of kids messing around in somebody’s basement. Great results can and do come from people’s basements, but honestly not very often.
* These games can be bought and played now in some early access form or another. (I think. Don’t hold me to it.)
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