Not Much To Get Excited About
I sort of lost interest in Rift when I got to level 68. Xarth Mire is not very pleasant to run around in, what with the lack of safe roads, the rather high mob density, and the frog tongues that constantly pull you to them no matter how much you want to run away from them.
But mainly I drifted away from Rift because I started playing Fallout: New Vegas. I played it for about 8 hours last year, then put it away when Fallout 4 came out. Recently I installed New Vegas again and my old saved games magically appeared, so I was able to pick it up right where I left off. It’s quite good. I dare say it’s as good or better than Fallout 4, at least in terms of story.
I also started playing, believe it or not, Morrowind. I’ve never played it before but I figured I’d give it a shot. I’m having some difficulty getting the Steam version to run consistently at a decent resolution though.
It seems like there isn’t very much news happening in the gaming world right now, or at least nothing that’s interesting to me. Free-to-play EVE is mildly interesting, but even free I don’t see very many newbies sticking around in that game. New ArcheAge servers aren’t appealing for the same reason that the old servers aren’t appealing: You can’t maintain land without Patron status. (At least I assume that’s still a condition.) One of the few games I was looking forward to was Conan Exiles but the recent trailer made that game look a bit like garbage.
I can’t find anything else to comment on. Scanning through the last week of Massively OP news items gives me a profoundly crotchety feeling of “who cares about any of this.”
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