Punishing PvP Activity In PvP Games
I was reading the Albion Online State of the Game and came across this part:
Red zones will be full loot PvP zones that do not contain any claimable territories. Red zones will be subject to a crime and reputation system that makes sure that killing peaceful players - in particular, if they are zerged down - has more consequences for the attackers.
No part of that makes me more interested in Albion Online.
This chain of logic seems to happen often in MMO games:
- Make hardcore PvP game because it’ll (I guess?) attract a lot of players.
- Notice players complaining about getting killed unfairly in hardcore PvP game.
- Add systems to constrain people from killing each other in hardcore PvP game.
- Wonder why everyone leaves the game.
What is the point of putting full-loot, open-world PvP in a game if you’re going to punish players for killing and looting people?
I was listening to the GWJ Conference Call talking about The Division and there seems to be a similar system in there. It’s super dangerous in the Dark Zone because anyone can kill you but oh, by the way, if they do they’ll get a bounty on their head and everyone in the game will get bonus points for hunting them down and taking their stuff*. Say what? Who’s going to sign up for that?
I can only assume this is yet another misguided attempt to get PvP players and PvE players to buy the same game.
* I don’t know if that’s exactly right, but it was something along those lines.
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