Passing on PC Destiny 2

Soon you will probably see a lot of talk about the launch of Destiny 2 on the PC.
I’m trying to be more discerning with my game purchases these days, so I have no plans to pay full price for an over-hyped, mediocre shooter whose main attraction seems to be a large cult following. Maybe if it goes on sale I’ll take a look at it, but who are we kidding, this is Activision/Blizzard and it’s never going to go on sale, so I’m probably never going to buy it.
In more practical concerns, I also don’t particularly want to jump into a game with a whole slew of people moving over from the PS4 who already know all the tricks. There won’t be any fun phase of discovery for the PC launch crowd. No feeling out of what works and what doesn’t work. It will be all business from the very first moment.
So I’m just not going to feed the Gaming Industrial Complex this time.
And this just in: I just read Belghast’s first post on PC Destiny 2. He describes making it to level 14 (of 20) on the first night. He is hoping to be done maxing out his first character’s level and finishing the storyline in the first three days. Granted he is a veteran so I’m sure it is old hat for him, but still, it’s more evidence to support my decision. There are plenty of other games around to keep me busy for three days.
But if you are playing it, have fun! :)
P.S. I’d be interested in watching a blind Let’s Play of Destiny 2 though. Must be blind, and the player must not have played Destiny 1 before. Let me know if anyone sees anything like that. I’m finding bupkis from a cursory search of YouTube.
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