Sekiro Blind Playthrough Index
The following is a list of Sekiro video episodes I recorded in my first blind playthrough, with descriptions for each. This is the document from which I will be cutting and pasting all my YouTube video descriptions. You can use this as a searchable index to see the odd path of progression I made through the game.
One interesting thing about From Software games is that everyone plays it differently, and it’s fun to see how others may have taken different paths. For example, I seem to have gone through a lot of the early to middle part of the game backwards from what was intended, since I put off the Genichiro fight for a long time.
I tried to create each episode title so they wouldn’t be spoilers for people who haven’t played yet, while veterans might be able to puzzle out the context. My original intention was to upload the videos relatively quickly after I recorded them. But since I decided not to upload the videos until I was finished with the game, the spoiler issue is moot, so I went ahead and put a lot of spoilery details in the video descriptions. The game will have been out for at least two months before I get around to uploading these videos. But yeah, reading below will absolutely spoil any and all of the surprises in the game for you, if you care about such things.
“Deaths” below refer to actual deaths that cause you to return to the last Idol, and do not include resurrections. There could be 1 or 2 or more in-place resurrections for each death. A resurrection is the same as getting killed in combat, but you can resurrect in place and continue the fight where you left off.
“Progression” usually means moving forward into new areas.
“Exploration” typically means searching known areas. I usually do both at the same time, but sometimes I backtrack for exploration.
“Backtracking” means going back into areas I’ve already passed by. A “dead end” means I can’t find any more forward progress in that direction (it doesn’t mean there *isn’t* a path forward, it just means I spent some time looking and couldn’t find one).
Here are the major bosses I defeated from hardest to easiest, in terms of number of times I died:
- Isshin, the Sword Saint (84 deaths, 4 hours)
- Great Shinobi - Owl (54 deaths, 3 hours)
- Genichiro Ashina (45 deaths, 1.5 hours)
- Guardian Ape (41 deaths, 3 hours)
- Demon of Hatred (33 deaths, 1.5 hours)
- Corrupted Monk (27 deaths, 1.5 hours)
- Lady Butterfly (15 deaths, 1.5 hours)
- Gyoubu Oniwa (12 deaths, 30 min)
- True Monk (8 deaths, 30 min)
- Divine Dragon (3 deaths)
- Headless Ape (2 deaths)
- Folding Screen Monkeys (0 deaths)
There were a ridiculous number of minibosses in addition to that, but there’s too many to list. Here were the worst ones:
- Headless - Hidden Forest (37 deaths)
- General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (35 deaths)
- Juzou the Drunkard (34 deaths)
- Tokujiro the Glutton (31 deaths)
- Shichimen Warrior (26 deaths)
- Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi (25 deaths)
- Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze (21 deaths)
- Snake Eyes Shirahagi (14 deaths)
- Long-arm Centipede Giraffe (13 deaths)
If I were to rate my performance I would say I started out awful, and then progressed to being “okay.” Overall I felt considerably less skilled than when I played Dark Souls 3. I can blame some of it on learning to play with mouse and keyboard, which is radically different (and objectively inferior) to using a controller. If you’ve got the thumbs for it, definitely use a controller, even if you have to learn from scratch. The ability to reach more buttons in less time is extremely helpful. (If you insist on using mouse and keyboard, take the time to remap the default keybindings because they are awful.) Some of my performance I can blame on the fact that I needed to spend a considerable amount of time “un-learning” what I learned from Souls games. But mainly I’m just not a kid anymore. :)
Technical Production Notes: I played the game in 1920×1080 resolution instead of 2560×1440 for maximum performance. All of the videos (well, all but one) were encoded to 5000k video streams from 14Mbps video files recorded with OBS. I encode my final videos now to lower bitrates to save hard drive space, and because my iPad will not play an MP4 that is larger than 2GB for some reason. I recorded the microphone and game audio tracks separately and mixed them in post, adding ducking and compression, encoding to 128k AAC.
My final rendered MP4 video files contain three audio tracks: A mix track, an isolated game audio track, and an isolated microphone track. (That’s just in case I want to do a remix some time in the future.) YouTube of course keeps just the first mix track (I assume). I used a bunch of custom ffmpeg scripts I’ve developed for these things. (I developed the scripts during my Dwarf Fortress days.) The only video editor I used in this series was Avidemux.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 1 - Tutorials. AP 1. Ashina Resevoir. Intro cut scene. Progression. Movement tutorials, first impressions. Moon-view Tower. Cut scene: Receiving Kusabimaru. Divine Heir - Healing Gourd (1). Production Note: For some reason I don’t understand, VLC thinks the game audio track is the defeault audio track in my local MP4 file.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 2 - Combat. AP 1. Ashina Resevoir. Progression. Combat tutorials. 8:10 Miniboss Defeated: Leader Shigenori Yamauchi (1 death). Cut scene: Escape route. 1 death. Production Note: For some reason I don’t understand, VLC thinks the game audio track is the defeault audio track in my local MP4 file.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 3 - Undying. AP 1. Ashina Resevoir. Progression. Cut scene: Genichiro Ashina. Cut scene: Sculptor. Shinobi Prosthetic. Found Idol: Dilapidated Temple. Hanbei the Undying. Emma the Physician. 1 unavoidable death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 4 - Grappling. AP 1. Dilapidated Temple. Progression. Grappling Hook. Found Idol: Ashina Outskirts. Found Idol: Outskirts Wall - Gate Path. Shuriken Wheel prosthetic component. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Install Loaded Shuriken. 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 5 - Resurrection. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Gate Path. Progression. Resurrection. 17:58 Miniboss: General Naomori Kawarada Defeated (3 deaths). Prayer Bead (1). Gourd Seed. Dilapidated Temple. Emma - Gourd Seed (2). 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 6 - Dragonrot. AP 1. Dilapidated Temple. Hanbei the Undying. Offering Box. Ashina Outskirts: Gate Path. Progression. Dilapidated Temple. Cut scene: Dragonrot. Rot Essence. Sculptor dialog. Emma dialog. Outskirts Wall - Gate Path. 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 7 - Stop! Mallet Time. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Gate Path. Clearing. 2 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I originally intended to discard this short video of clearing the outskirts yet again, but there were a handful of new finds I wanted to show.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 8 - Stairway. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Gate Path. Progression. Inosuke Nogami dialog. Inosuke’s Mother dialog. Young Lord’s Bell Charm. Found Idol: Outskirts Wall - Stairway. Remnant. Anayama the Peddler. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 9 - Chained Futility. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Miniboss: Chained Ogre (5 deaths, trial and error, abandoned). Dilapidated Temple. Emma (“the Sculptor has been coughing blood”). Sculptor (“I don’t need your concern”). Cut scene: Bell Charm. 5 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 10 - The Division Bell. AP 1. Hirata Estate. Progression. Found Idol: Dragonspring. Found Idol: Estate Path. Flame Barrel prosthetic component. Anayama. 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I know I missed the Prosthetic Axe. It will be a recurring problem until I go back for it in episode 59. I missed a lot of things in Hirata Estate.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 11 - Burning Frustration. AP 1. Hirata Estate: Estate Path. Progression. Bundled Jizo Statue. Found Idol: Hirata Estate - Main Hall. Nogami Gensai. Miniboss: Juzou the Drunkard (3 deaths, abandoned). 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I went in the back door of Hirata Estate instead of the front, and would not return to the Estate Path until episode 34.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 12 - Brick Walls Everywhere. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Flame Vent prosthetic upgrade (offscreen). Miniboss: Chained Ogre (4 deaths, 2 offscreen, abandoned). Hirata Estate: Estate Path. Miniboss: Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen (1 death, abandoned). Miniboss: Juzou the Drunkard (2 deaths, abandoned). 7 total deaths (2 offscreen). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 13 - New Skills. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Miniboss: Chained Ogre (1 death, abandoned). Anayama the Peddler, new goods, dialog (Sells: 2 Pellet @ 50, 8 Ceramic Shard @ 20, 6 Fistful of Ash @ 30, 5 Light Coin Purse @ 110, 1 Phantom Kunai @ 3000). Exploration. Scrap Iron. Acquire Skills. New Skills: Mikiri Counter, Run and Slide. Dilapidated Temple. Hanbei the Undying. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I thought in this video you had to dodge and deflect simultaneously for the Mikiri Counter, but in fact I learned later you only have to dodge instead of deflecting.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 14 - Broken Chains. AP 1. Hirata Estate: Main Hall. Miniboss Juzou the Drunkard (1 death, abandoned). 1:00 Miniboss Defeated: Chained Ogre (0 deaths, 9 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (2). Acquired Skill: Shinobi Medicine Rank 1. Progression. Nightjar Monocular. Gourd Seed. Dilapidated Temple. Emma - Gourd Seed (3). Sculptor. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Miniboss: General Tenzen Yamauchi (2 deaths, abandoned). Rot Essence: Newcomer, Fine Son. Dragonrot Blood Sample. Dilapidated Temple. Emma. 3 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production notes: This episode was re-edited to include a new introduction and some extra clips showing what happened between episodes. Somehow I lost the source OBS files so I had to do the edit from the final rendered MP4 files. So unfortunately because of my poor file management, I can’t include the complete miniboss fight, just the second half of it. You didn’t miss anything interesting. It was just like every other attempt I recorded before. Anyway, I added a post-game commentary voiceover to the Chained Ogre fight, panned to the left to distinguish it from the live commentary. Since I didn’t have the source files anymore, I had to add it without any ducking. But I felt it was too much time in the video without any talking at all. I like to make my game videos so you can listen to them without watching the screen.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 15 - So Creepy. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Progression. Temple Posting. Found Idol: Underbridge Valley. Great Serpent. Snap Seeds. 4 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 16 - Wild Horses. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts: Underbridge Valley. Progression. Found Idol: Ashina Castle Gate Fortress. Remnant: Kuro and Genichiro. Boss: Gyoubu Oniwa (4 deaths). 4 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 17 - Memories. AP 1. Ashina Outskirts. 1:45 Boss Defeated: Gyoubu Oniwa (8 deaths offscreen, ~25 min, 12 cumulative deaths). Memory: Gyoubu Oniwa. Mechanical Barrel prosthetic component. Found Idol: Ashina Castle Gate. Dilapidated Temple. Emma dialog (Dragonrot). Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Recovery Charm. Sculptor dialog (upgrades). Dragonrot Restoration (1). Enhance Attack Power (AP 2). Sculptor dialog (Hirata Estate). Emma dialog (Ashina Sake). Sculptor dialog (Ashina Sake - Dogen). Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Anayama the Peddler. Miniboss General Tenzen Yamauchi (1 death, abandoned). 9 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production notes: I went back and added a post-game commentary voiceover for the boss fight over a month later, since I didn’t say much during the actual fight.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 18 - Rats. AP 2. Ashina Outskirts: Ashina Castle Gates. Miniboss: General Tenzen Yamauchi (6 deaths offscreen, abandoned). Acquire Skills: Suppress Presence. Exploration. Battlefield Memorial Mob (Sells: 1 Dragon’s Blood Droplet @ 180, 2 Antidote Powder @ 30, 12 Fistful of Ash @ 30, 3 Light Coin Purse @ 110, 2 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 1 Robert’s Firecrackers @ 500, 1 Gourd Seed @ 1000). Tengu, Rat Description. Prayer Bead (3). Pitying Old Hag dialog. Progression. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 19 - Running of the Bull. AP 2. Ashina Outskirts: Ashina Castle Gates. “Rats.” Progression. Ashina Castle. Miniboss: Blazing Bull (4 deaths). 6 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 20 - Put Out The Fire. AP 2. Ashina Castle. Rot Essence: Wartorn Mob (offscreen). 1:57 Miniboss Defeated: Blazing Bull (4 deaths offscreen, ~15 min, 8 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (4). Acquired Skill: Shinobi Medicine Rank 2. Found Idol: Ashina Castle. Enhanced Physical Attributes (11). Progression and Exploration. “Faithful” Old Woman NPC on bridge. Remnant: Emma and Kuno. Found Idol: Ashina Resevoir. Ashina Outskirts: Ashina Castle Gate. Tengu, Ashina Esoteric Text. Battlefield Memorial Mob. Dilapidated Temple. 4 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I added a commentary voiceover for the miniboss fight since it was just a lot of silence.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 21 - Favor for a Surgeon. AP 2. Ashina Castle: Ashina Resevoir. Progression and Exploration. Miniboss: Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi (fled). Gatehouse Key. Scrap Magnetite. Found Idol: Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Acquire Skill: Ashina Arts: Ichimonji (2 pts), Descending Carp (1 pt). Dungeon Memorial Mob (Sells: 4 Pellet @ 80, 1 Dragon’s Blood Droplet @ 180, 8 Contact Medicine @ 30, 2 Mibu Possession Balloon @ 50, 4 Light Coin Purse @ 110, 3 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 1 Mask Fragment: Dragon @ 5000, 1 Prayer Bead @ 1400) - Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Abandoned Dungeon. Rotting Prisoner’s Note. Doujun NPC - Surgeon’s Bloody Letter. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 22 - Temple of Doom. AP 2. Abandoned Dungeon: Entrance. Progression and Exploration. Found Idol: Underground Waterway. Bite Down. Crumbling Offering Tower. Miniboss: Shichimen Warrior (3 deaths, abandoned). Found Idol: Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo. Tapestry warning. Monks. Abandoned. 4 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 23 - Rooftops. AP 2. Ashina Castle. Progression and Exploration. Nightjar Assassins. Info Broker NPC - Nightjar Beacon Memo. Miniboss: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (fled). Ashina Resevoir. Jinzaemon Kumano NPC - Lured to Abandoned Dungeon. Miniboss (did not engage). Gatehouse - Gyoubu’s Broken Horn (prosthetic component). Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Loaded Spear, Prosthetic Esoteric Text. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 24 - General Frustration. AP 2. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Prosthetic Tool Upgrade: Spinning Shuriken. Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Dungeon Memorial Mob. Doujun NPC - Lump of Fat Wax. Ashina Resevoir. Miniboss: Lone Shadow Longswordsman (1 death, abandonded). Ashina Castle. Miniboss: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (7 deaths, abandoned). Rot Essence: Surgeons, Jail Mob. 8 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 25 - Intermission Montage. (Abridged video ~2 hours.) AP 2. Ashina Outskirts: Farming. Anayama the Peddler - Flame Barrel Memo. 4:36 Miniboss Defeated: General Tenzen Yamauchi (0 deaths, 9 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (1). Hirata Estate: Main Hall. Miniboss: Juzou the Drunkard (8+10+8=26 deaths, a little over 1 hour offscreen). Rot Essence: Faithful One. Acquire Skills: Whirlwind Slash (1 pt), A Shinobi’s Karma: Body (2 pts). Ashina Castle. Miniboss: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (6 deaths offscreen, abandonded). Ashina Castle Gate Fortress: Farming (offscreen). Underground Waterway. Miniboss: Shichimen Warrior (1 death, abandoned). Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo. 33 total deaths (most offscreen). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I originally intended to exclude this section, as I mainly wandered around looking for a direction to go, but I decided to edit together a “montage” of these adventures just to get a sense of what I did in these 2 hours. As such it’s pretty disjointed and random. I added a few commentary voiceovers in sections where I didn’t say anything live, panned to the left as per usual.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 26 - Big Trouble in Little Senpou. AP 2. Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo. Progression and Exploration. Kotoro NPC - looking for “pure white flower.” Old Woman NPC - Dragonrot. Rot Essence: Lost Child. Kite mechanism. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 27 - Stalled Progress. AP 2. Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo. (Returned to the bridge offscreen, uneventful.) Dead end. (Note: I completely missed the route of progression to the left of the bridge. I would not discover it until episode 51.) Dilapidated Temple. Dragonrot Restoration. Acquire Skills: Grappling Hook Attack (1 pt). Ashina Outskirts - Stairway. Anayama the Peddler. Ashina Castle Gate. Battlefield Memorial Mob - Dragon’s Blood Drop. Ashina Castle. Miniboss: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (1 death, abandoned). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 28 - Struggle to the Antechamber. (Re-edited.) AP 2. Abridged Video - Miniboss: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (9 deaths, abandoned), Nightjar rooftop assassins (3 deaths), ~30 minutes. Progression. Found Idol: Antechamber. Gourd Seed. Dilapidated Temple. Emma - Gourd Seed (4). Acquire Skill: Emma’s Medicine: Potency (4 pts). Antechamber. Stealth clearing and practice. Secret Door! Prayer Bead (2). 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 29 - Muh-Muh-Muh-My Shinobi. AP 2. Ashina Castle: Antechamber. Progression. Found Idol: Ashina Dojo. Remnant: Kuro and Emma. Miniboss: Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze (2 deaths, abandoned). Isshin’s Letter (“the Tengu will see to the rats”). Cut scene: Genichiro, Emma, Divine Heir. Boss: Genichiro Ashina (2 deaths, abandoned). Progression stalled. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway - Temple Posting, abandoned. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Prosthetic Upgrade: Loaded Spear Thrust Type. 5 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I would not proceed past the Temple Posting until episode 58.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 30 - Hidden Valley Ranch. AP 2. Dilapidated Temple. Acquire Skill: Ascending Carp (2 pts). (Off-camera exploring - didn’t save the video, no idea how much, but later I said “a few minutes.") Exploring Ashina Castle rooftops. Progression. Found Idols: Great Serpent Shrine, Under-Shrine Valley. Acquire Skill: Breath of Nature: Light (2 pt). Gourd Seed. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 31 - More Formidable. (Re-edited.) AP 2. Sunken Valley: Under-Shrine Valley. Progression. Found Idol: Sunken Valley. Miniboss: Snake Eyes Shirafuji (1 death, abandoned). Sunken Valley progress stalled. Senpou Temple. (Cut video traveling to NPC, ~3 minutes.) Fresh Fruit Rice Woman NPC dialog. Ashina Outskirts. Anayama the Peddler (give salt info). (Cut video exploring Ashina Outskirts to find other side of door, exploring Temple Note path again, ~10 minutes.) Ashina Castle: Antechamber. (Cut video clearing the room of mobs, ~5 minutes.) Progression. Sabimaru prosthetic tool. Found Idol: Old Grave. 5 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I would not proceed past the Temple Posting until episode 58, even though I saw the ledge here; I didn’t think the jump could be made.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 32 - Blackhat. AP 2. Ashina Castle: Old Grave. Progression. Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Dilapidated Temple. Emma - Gourd Seed (5). Sculptor - Install Sabimaru. Stumbled on Fujioka the Info Broker (Sells: 8 Pellet @ 80, 2 Dragon’s Blood Droplet @ 180, Antidote Powder @ 100, Dousing Powder @ 100, Pacifying Agent @ 100, Ungo’s Sugar @ 120, 3 Light Coin Purse @ 110, 3 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 1 Sabimaru Memo @ 500, 1 Three-story Pagoda Memo @ 500, 1 Gourd Seed @ 2000). (Note: I mistook Fujioka for Anayama in the video.) Hanbei the Undying. Old Grave. Rot Essence: Info Broker. Blackhat Badger (Sells: 3 Yashariku’s Sugar @ 130, 2 Bite Down @ 30, 1 Iron Fortress @ 1600, 1 Anti-air Deathblow Text @ 1200) - Iron Fortress. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 33 - Alcoholics Anonymous. (Abridged video ~45 min.) AP 2. Ashina Castle. Miniboss: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (11 deaths, abandoned). Ashina Dojo. Miniboss: Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze (5 deaths, abandoned). Rot Essence: Black Hat. Abandoned Dungeon. Miniboss: Shichimen Warrior (1 death, abandoned). Ashina Resevoir. Miniboss: Lone Shadow Longswordsman (3 deaths, abandoned). Hirata Estate. 5:38 Miniboss Defeated: Juzou the Drunkard (2 deaths, 34 cumulative deaths). Unrefined Sake. Prayer Bead (3). Progression. Found Idol: Hirata Audience Chamber. Inosuke’s Mother NPC (“I saw a dreadful vision”). Dying NPC Inosuke? - Snap Seed. Locked door, no key, dead end. Secret Door. Prayer Bead (4). Enhance Physical Attributes (12). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I know I missed another path in the Hirata Estate. Production Note: I added a commentary voiceover to the Juzou fight because I was listening to YouTube while recording live, so I didn’t say much.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 34 - Protect Your Master. (Abridged video, ~1 hr 30 min.) AP 2. Ashina Castle: Ashina Dojo. Boss Genichiro Ashina (15 deaths before second phase, then 2 deaths, abandoned, ~1 hour). Cut scene: Genichiro Ashina Phase Two. 6:45 Miniboss Defeated: Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze (14 deaths, ~15 min, 21 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (1). Hanging Scroll of an Old Battle. Hirata Estate. (Sped up ~7 minutes.) Miniboss Defeated: Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen (0 deaths, 1 cumulative death). Prayer Bead (2). Progression. Found Idol: Bamboo Thicket Slope. Stealth clearing. Owl - Hidden Temple Key. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I won’t find the Prosthetic Axe to deal with shielded enemies until episode 58. Production Note: I originally had the first attempt at Lady Butterfly at the end of this video, but I moved it to the beginning of the next one, to shorten this video.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 35 - Use Your Illusion 2. (Abridged video, ~1.5 hrs.) AP 2. Hirata Estate. Cut scene: Lady Butterfly. Boss Defeated: Lady Butterfly (15 deaths, ~1.5 hours). Memory: Lady Butterfly. Sakura Droplet. Cut scene: Stabbed in the back. (During the boss fight, explored undiscovered area of Hirata Estate for a few minutes.) Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Give Unrefined Sake (“beware Shura’s shadow”), Install Loaded Umbrella (from Iron Fortress, purchased from Blackhat Badger). Enhance Attack Power (AP 3). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I didn’t come back at the end, I just started a new episode. :) Production Note: I went back and added a post-game commentary voiceover to sections of the boss fight. So far, this is the only episode where I met and defeated a boss in the same video.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 36 - Two Generals. AP 3. Ashina Castle. Acquire Skill: Flowing Water (3 pts). (Abridged video.) Miniboss Defeated: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto (0 deaths, 35 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (3). Divine Grass. Acquire Skill: Suppress Sound (3 pts). Ashina Resevoir. Clearing mobs. Remnant: Kuro (“why was I granted this power?"). Miniboss Defeated: Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi (25 deaths, ~1 hour). Prayer Bead (4). 25 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 37 - One-Armed Man. AP 3. Ashina Resevoir. Enhance Physical Attributes (13). Miniboss Defeated: Lone Shadow Longswordsman (0 deaths, 4 cumulative deaths). Scrap Magnetite. Prayer Bead (1). “Rats” around the secret passage. Locked door. Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Dungeon Memorial Mob. Abandoned Dungeon. Miniboss: Shichimen Warrior (5 deaths, trial and error). 5 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: I consistently refer to the purple-caped guys and the Lone Shadow Longswordsman as having just one arm. But I’m still not sure if that’s true or not. They certainly only fight with one arm, and their left arm is hidden beneath a cape. But I just can’t tell if the left arm is physically missing or not.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 38 - Dodging Blue Balls. AP 3. Abandoned Dungeon. (Abridged video.) Miniboss Defeated: Shichimen Warrior (16 deaths, ~1.5 hours, 26 cumulative deaths). Ceremonial Tanto. Progression. Found Idol: Bottomless Hole. Old Woman NPC (“cast yourself out”). Found Idol: Ashina Depths. New Area: Ashina Depths. Miniboss: Shake Eyes Shirahagi (4 deaths, trial and error). 20 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I went back and added a commentary voiceover to the final boss fight since it’s pretty long.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 39 - Not Blighttown. AP 3. Ashina Depths. (Abridged video.) Miniboss Defeated: Snake Eyes Shirahagi (14 deaths, ~20 minutes, 18 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (2). Progression and Exploration. Found Idol: Poison Pool. Prayer Bead (3). Monkey Booze. Found Idol: Hidden Forest. 14 total deaths (1 onscreen). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 40 - Ghost Recon. AP 3. Ashina Depths: Hidden Forest. Progression and Exploration. Wounded Man by Statue NPC (“will you slay he who opposes Buddha?"). Stealth clearing the area and finding items. Observed Tokujiro the Glutton and Headless minibosses, but did not engage. 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 41 - Don’t Lose Your Head. AP 3. Senpou Temple. Revisiting the Infested Priest that I skipped. Gourd Seed, Lump of Fat Wax. Dilapidated Temple. Emma - Gourd Seed (6). Sculptor - Give Monkey Booze (“we were rogue shinobi”). Acquire Skill: Ichimonji: Double (3 pts). Hanbei the Undying - practice. Ashina Depths: Hidden Forest. Miniboss: Headless (10 deaths, trial and error, abandoned). 10 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Sekiro Blind Pt 41.5 - The Lost Episode. (Abridged video.) AP 3. Somehow I managed to leave out the video from this section of my playthrough in the episode list. After failing with Headless at the end of the last video, I subsequently attempted to fight the Genichiro Ashina boss again for ~30 minutes and failed. There were 11 deaths before I abandoned it. Then I returned to the Hidden Forest and cleared the area again for ~30 minutes, but it was essentially a repeat of the Ghost Recon episode, so I edited it down to just the highlights, rather than creating a new episode where nothing new happened. Boss: Genichiro Ashina (11 total deaths, abandoned). Miniboss: Headless (1 death, abandoned). 13 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 42 - Right Into The Firing Squad. (Abridged video.) AP 3. Sunken Valley. Progression and Exploration. Miniboss: Snake-Eyes ShiraFuji (4 deaths, fled). Found Idol: Gun Fort. Miniboss Defeated: Long-arm Centipede Giraffe (13 deaths, ~20 minutes). Prayer Bead (4). Large Fan (Prosthetic component). Locked door. Underground tunnels. Flamethrowing mobs. Prayer Bead (1). Dead end. Enhance Physical Attributes (14). 19 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 43 - Sneaking Back. (Abridged video.) AP 3. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Divine Abduction Arm Tool from Large Fan. Dragonrot Restoration. Fujioka the Info Broker (“the tide might be turning for Ashina”). Sunken Valley: Gun Fort. Exploring and clearing backwards. (Cut ~4 minutes of re-clearing.) Miniboss: Snake Eyes Shirafuji (1 death, abandoned). 2 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 44 - Let The Bosses Hit The Floor. (Abridged video.) AP 3. Sunken Valley. Miniboss Defeated: Snake Eyes Shirafuji (3 deaths, ~10 min, 9 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (2). (Cut fruitless Gun Fort exploration ~10 minutes, Hidden Forest exploration ~15 minutes.) Ashina Depths: Hidden Forest. Miniboss Defeated: Mist Noble (0 deaths). Lump of Grave Wax. Miniboss Defeated: Tokujiro the Glutton (31 deaths, ~1 hr 45 min, abridged). (There was 1 failed attempt at Headless during the Glutton sessions as well.) Unrefined Sake, Prayer Bead (3). Progression stalled. 34 total deaths. (Note: I would not discover the path to Mibu Village until episode 60.) Production Note: I went back and added a commentary voiceover to the Shirafuji and Tokujiro fights. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 45 - Lightning Storm. AP 3. (Abridged video.) Dilapidated Temple. 4:45 Boss Defeated: Genichiro Ashina (15 deaths, ~1 hr 30 min over two days, 45 cumulative deaths). Memory: Genichiro. Acquire Skill: Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu. Cut scene: Resurrection. Found Idol: Castle Tower Lookout. Emma (“I give you my thanks”). Found Idol: Upper Tower - Kuro’s Room. Lord Kuro (“I wish to sever the chains of stagnation”), Immortal Severance Text, (“talk to Isshin”). Lots of dialog and lore. Enhance Attack Power (AP 4). 15 total deaths. (Note: I don’t know why I thought Backstab Deathblow was a skill I had to buy, I had it from the beginning. I must have been confusing it with something else.) Production Note: I went back and added a commentary voiceover to the boss fight. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 46 - Moving On Then. AP 4. (Abridged video.) Ashina Depths: Hidden Forest. Miniboss: Headless (20 deaths, ~22 min, abridged, abandoned) Rot Essence: Faithful One, Black Hat, Jail Mob. Dilapidated Temple. Lots of dialog and lore. Sculptor (“the shadow in your eyes has become lighter”). Upper Tower - Kuro’s Room. Lost on the rooftops. Lord Isshin NPC (“the bonds that tie us are so deeply amusing,” “you’d need the Mortal Blade”, “hesitate and you lose”) - Unrefined Sake. Secret Door to Dilapidated Temple. Emma (“Rejuvinating Sediment”, “your brow is less furrowed”). Lord Kuro (tons of dialog) - Fragrant Flower Note. Gun Fort Shrine Key. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 47 - Shine In Your Japan. AP 4. Ashina Castle: Upper Tower - Kuro’s Room. Acquire Skills: Emma’s Medicine: Aroma (5 pts). Kuro - give Sakura Droplet. Ashina Depths: Gun Fort. Use Gun Fort Shrine Key. Progression and Exploration. New Area: Sunken Valley Passage. Great Serpent. Rot Essence: Info Broker. Found Idol: Riven Cave. Monkeys in bowler hats. Found Idol: Bodhisattva Valley. Dried Fruit Old Woman NPC - Dragonrot. Dragonrot Restoration. 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 48 - Sparkle In Your China. AP 4. Sunken Valley: Bodhisattva Valley. Progression and Exploration. Epic dual-wielding white monkey fight. Toxic Memorial Mob (Sells: 5 Pellet @ 80, 2 Dragon’s Blood Droplet @ 180, 1 Green Mossy Gourd @ 1800, Antidote Powder @ 120, 5 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 2 Yellow Gunpowder @ 270) - 2 Dragon’s Blood Droplets, “don’t go in that cave ahead.” Great Serpent cave. Boss: Guardian Ape (1 death, abandoned). 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 49 - Dried Fruit. (Abridged video.) AP 4. Sunken Valley: Bodhisattva Valley. Progression and Exploration. Great Serpent cave (edited, ~25 min). Dried Serpent Viscera. Shortcut to Poison Pool. Kuro’s Room. Emma (“the Everblossom no longer exists”). Lord Kuro (“what’s lost is lost”). Wandering around looking for serpent answers (edited, ~10 min). Bodhisattva Valley: Dried Fruit Old Woman NPC. Senpou Temple: Fresh Fruit Old Woman NPC. Kite contraption. 0 deaths? Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 50 - The Great Grape Ape Show. AP 4. Sunken Valley: Bodhisattva Valley. 7:00 Boss Defeated: Guardian Ape (12+1+5+6+6+3+3+2+2=40 deaths, 3 hours over 2.5 weeks, 41 cumulative deaths). Rot Essence: Sculptor, Newcomer, Wartorn Mob, Lost Child, Surgeons. Memory: Guardian Ape. Slender Finger (Prosthetic component). Found Idol: Guardian Ape’s Watering Hole. Dragonrot Restoration. 40 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I went back and added a commentary voiceover track to the boss fight, since it’s a long one with very little talking.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 51 - Flower Power. Play time 41:08:13. Enhance Attack Power (AP 5). Progression and Exploration. Lotus of the Palace (Immortal Severance Ingredient). Ashina Castle: Upper Tower - Kuro’s Room. Lord Kuro - Page’s Diary (“we need to figure out how to make me bleed”). Emma - Immortal Severance Scrap (“with Mortal Blade in hand, my blood may be shed”). Lord Kuro (“I’ve heard the Mortal Blade is in Senpou Temple”). Senpou Temple - Mt. Kongo. Kotoro “White flower” NPC. Fresh Fruit Old Woman NPC. Discover path beyond the broken bridge. Found Idol: Shugendo. Shugendo Memorial Mob (Sells: 2 Persimmon @ 30, 1 Dragon’s Blood Droplet @ 180, 3 Ako’s Sugar @ 80, 5 Ungo’s Sugar @ 80, 1 Five-color Rice @ 1600, 2 Light Coin Purse @ 110, 3 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 2 Bulging Coin Purse @ 1100, 2 Scrap Magnetite @ 330) - Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor (“where did you get that finger?") - Install Finger Whistle Tool from Slender Finger. 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 52 - None Shall Pass. AP 5. Senpou Temple: Shugendo. Progression and Exploration. Red and White Pinwheel. 10:20 Miniboss Defeated: Armored Warrior (0 deaths). Prayer Bead (4). Acquire Skill: Breath of Nature: Shadow. Found Idol: Temple Grounds. Enhance Physical Attributes (Vitality 15). Looking for who to give the Red and White Pinwheel: Fresh Fruit Old Woman NPC. Sculptor. Kotoro NPC (“that’s a red and white flower”). 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 53 - Centipedes. AP 5. Senpou Temple: Temple Grounds. Progression and Exploration. Centipede Infested Priest. Miniboss: Long-arm Centipede Sen’un (1 death, abandoned). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 54 - Hey Hey It’s The Monkees. AP 5. Senpou Temple: Temple Grounds. Progression and Exploration. Crazy big shield guy. Found Idol: Main Hall. Cut scene: Ringing the bell. Illusive Hall Bell. NPC (“you must defeat the monkeys”). 19:20 Boss Defeated: Folding Screen Monkeys (0 deaths). Cut scene: “Please, forgive them.” Memory: Screen Monkeys. Acquire Skill: Puppeteer Ninjutsu. Found Idol: Inner Sanctum. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 55 - Mortal Kombat. Senpou Temple: Inner Sanctum. Progression and Exploration. Enhance Attack Power (AP 6). Divine Child of Rejuvination NPC (“why do you seek this place?"). Cut scene: “Are they not loath to die?” Mortal Blade. Rice. Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Mt. Kongo. Old Woman NPC - give Rice. Kite Ninjutsu. 0 deaths? Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 56 - Fresh Fruit. AP 6. Senpou Temple: Mt. Kongo. Progression and Exploration. Gotten over the learning curve? Traversing the kite. Found Idol: Sunken Valley Cavern. 8:56 Great Serpent Defeated (0 deaths). Fresh Serpent Viscera. (Missed some items because I fell off the end of the bridge.) Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor ("…."). Kuro’s Room. Lord Kuro (“I can now be made to bleed”). Still need fragrant stone. Emma - Give Unrefined Sake (“Who trained you to fight with a blade?” … “I would want to kill a demon if one were to appear”). Lord Isshin (“who or what will you kill?") - Give Unrefined Sake (“Tomoe.. there aren’t many masters of the sword like her”). 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 57 - Long-Arm Rematch. AP 6. Senpou Temple: Main Hall. Progression and Exploration. Dark caves (non-interactive purple-robed mummy?). Senpou Esoteric Text. Dead end. Backtracking. 22:20 Miniboss Defeated: Long-arm Centipede Sen’un (1 death, 2 cumulative deaths). Prayer Bead (1). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 58 - Backtracking Finds. (Abridged video, ~1 hour.) AP 6. Backtracking and Exploration. New OBS NVENC encoder. (Somewhere around this point I started to watch some early episodes of other people’s blind Let’s Play series, so I discovered some things I missed in areas like Ashina Outskirts and Hirata Estate.) Great Serpent Shrine. Tengu (“have you mastered any secret techniques?"). Bottomless Hole. Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Temple Posting - Miniboss: Headless (1 death, abandoned). Anayama the Peddler (“I’ve got some new items!") (Now Sells: 2 Pellet @ 50, 5 Gokan’s Sugar @ 80, 2 Yashariku’s Sugar @ 130, 8 Ceramic Shard @ 20, 6 Fistful of Ash @ 30, 5 Light Coin Purse @ 110, 2 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 1 Phantom Kunai @ 3000, Scrap Icon @ 150, Black Gunpowder @ 150) - “I’m looking for someone who’s big and strong.” Abandoned Dungeon. Dousaku (“we begin”). Underbridge Valley. Sakura Tree? Herb Catalogue Scrap. 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Blind Pt 59 - Missing Prosthetics. (Abridged video, ~1 hour.) AP 6. Backtracking and Exploration. Hirate Estate. Pot Noble Harunaga (Sells: 1 Divine Grass @ 1, 1 Withered Red Gourd @ 2, 1 Mask Fragment: Right @ 7, 1 Floating Passage Text @ 5). Shinobi Axe of the Monkey (Prosthetic component). Sculptor - Install Loaded Axe. Mist Raven’s Feathers (Prosthetic component). Sculptor - Install Mist Raven. Harunaga - Floating Passage Text. Great Serpent Shrine. Acquire Skill: Ashina Cross (5 pts). Tengu - Mushin Esoteric Text. Battlefield Memorial Mob - Robert’s Firecrackers (Prosthetic component), Gourd Seed. Sculptor - Install Shinobi Firecracker. Kuro’s Room. Emma - Gourd Seed (7). 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 60 - The Secret Village. AP 6. Ashina Depths: Hidden Forest. (Cut exploration, ~10 minutes.) New path. Found Idol: Mibu Village. Progression and Exploration. Exiled Memorial Mob (Sells: 5 Pellet @ 80, 1 Mottled Purple Gourd @ 1800, 2 Gachiin’s Sugar @ 100, 3 Heavy Coin Purse @ 550, 2 Bulging Coin Purse @ 1100, 2 Adamantite Scrap @ 600, 1 Dragonspring Sake @ 1000, 2 Treasure Carp Scale @ 500). One-Armed Guy. Mibu Village. Stealth clearing. Pine Resin Ember (prosthetic component). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 61 - Village Life. AP 6. Ashina Depths: Mibu Village. Progression and Exploration. Basket Wearer Shosuke NPC Dialog. Stealth clearing until death. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor - Prosthetic Upgrades: Spring-load Firecracker, Spring-load Flame Vent, Loaded Umbrella - Magnet, Okinaga’s Flame Vent. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 62 - Beyond the Mill. AP 6. Ashina Depths: Mibu Village. Progression and Exploration. Stealth clearing. Gourd Seed. Ashina Sake. Found Idol: Water Mill. Divine Grass, under the waterfall. Miniboss: O’Rin of the Water (5 deaths, abandoned). 6 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: “Hollows” is the name of the Dark Souls mob I was trying to remember. :)
- Sekiro Pt 63 - Ghost Parade. AP 6. Ashina Depths: Mibu Village. (Abridged video.) 3:55 Miniboss Defeated: O’Rin of the Water (3 deaths, ~8 minutes, 8 cumulative deaths). Progression. Boss: Corrupted Monk (1 death, abandoned). Backtracking to look for missed items. Rot Essence: Info Broker. 7 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 64 - Fighting Corruption. (Abridged video.) AP 6. Ashina Depths: Mibu Village. Rot Essence: Sculptor, Newcomer, Black Hat, Lost Child, Surgeons, Wartorn Mob, Jail Mob. Emma - Gourd Seed (8). 15:40 Boss Defeated: Corrupted Monk (1+10+6+7+3=27 deaths, ~1.5 hours over 2 days, 28 cumulative deaths). Memory: Corrupted Monk. Acquire Skill: Mibu Breathing Technique. Found Idol: Wedding Cave Door. Dragonrot Restoration. Enhance Attack Power (AP 7). 27 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 65 - The Stone of Stink. (Edited video - I moved a section from the end of the previous video to the beginning of this video because it ran too long.) AP 7. Progression and Exploration. Backtracking to Senpou Temple: Shugendo. White Pinwheel. Monkey Booze. Found Idol: Bell Demon’s Temple. Kotoro NPC - give White Pinwheel (“could you spirit me away?"). Don’t know how! Return to Wedding Cave Door. Shelter Stone. Village priest’s house (“come forth and drink!"). Prayer Bead (3). Backtracking to Sunken Valley: Riven Cave. Underwater exploration. Abandoned Dungeon Entrance (!?). 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 66 - A Whole New Castle. AP 7. Ashina Castle: Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Dungeon Memorial Mob. Doujun (“it’s not human… not anymore”) - Surgeon’s Stained Letter from Dosaku. Senpou Temple. Kotoro - Divine Abduction failure. Dilapidated Temple. Emma (“I’ve always enjoyed the sound of the Buddha being carved”). Sculptor (“I’m busy carving my Buddha”). Secret door sealed from the other side again. Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Progression and Exploration back through Ashina Castle. Re-Found Idol: Ashina Resevoir. Re-Found Idol: Ashina Castle. 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 67 - An Old Chained Friend. AP 7. Ashina Castle. Progression and Exploration back through Ashina Castle. Rooftops. Upper - Antechamber. 20:35 Miniboss Defeated: Chained Ogre (0 deaths). Prayer Bead (4). Acquire Skill: Shinobi Medicine Rank 3. Re-Found Idol: Old Grave. Enhance Physical Attributes (Vitality 16). 3 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 68 - The Plot Thickens. AP 7. Ashina Castle: Old Grave. Progression and Exploration back through Ashina Castle. Blackhat Badger?? Upper Tower - Antechamber. Re-Found Idol: Upper Tower - Ashina Dojo. Miniboss: Lone Shadow Vilehand (1 death, abandoned). Lord Isshin (“is that a look of concern on your face?") - Give Ashina Sake (“tell me about the rebellion”). Emma (“he’s quite a handful”). Black Scroll. Cut scene: “I remember you well.” Broke the Iron Code, stayed loyal to Kuro. Cut scene: “Why, boy?” Boss: Great Shinobi - Owl (2 deaths, abandoned). 3 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 69 - Gone Fishing. AP 7. Play time 53:17:15. Senpou Temple. Kotoro - Divine Abduction success? Inner Sanctum. Divine Child - Rice. Temple Grounds. Dilapidated Temple. Hanbei the Undying (“end this curse of mine”). Offering Box (Anti-air Deathblow Text). Mibu Village. Red Carp Eyes. Prayer Bead (1). Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Doujun (“we can advance the treatment even further”) - Lump of Grave Wax. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 70 - He Who Hesitates. AP 7. Ashina Dojo. Miniboss Defeated: Lone Shadow Vilehand (~9 minutes, 3? deaths, 4? cumulative deaths). Boss Defeated: Great Shinobi - Owl ([6+9+8+7+7+4+8]+[3]=52 deaths, ~3 hours over 2 days, 54 cumulative deaths). Rot Essences: Faithful One, Pious Mob, Drunk Mob, Toxic Mob. Memory: Great Shinobi. Aromatic Branch. Re-Found Idol: Castle Tower Lookout. Dragonrot Restoration. Enhance Attack Power (AP 8). 55 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 71 - Straw Man Argument. AP 8. Castle Tower Lookout. Re-Found Idol: Upper Tower - Kuro’s Room. Progression and Exploration. Emma (nothing new). Lots of dialog: Lord Kuro (“the gateway to the Divine Realm”). Ashina Depths: Wedding Cave Door. Pray at the Palinquin. Cut scene: Passage to the Divine Realm. Found Idol: Fountainhead Palace. Boss: Fountainhead Corrupted Monk (1 death, abandoned). Backtracking. Bell Demon’s Temple. Ringing the bell - Bell Demon. Ashina Castle. Acquire Skill: Nightjar Slash (2 pts). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 72 - Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon. (Abridged video, ~1 hour.) AP 8. Backtracking. Senpou Temple. Missing item on cliffs. Holy Chapter: Infested. Prayer Bead (3). Ghostly Samurai near pinwheels. Shugendo Memorial Mob dialog. Bodhisattva Valley. Old Woman - give Rice. Serpent cave item. Divine Child of Rejuvenation - Give Holy Chapter: Infested. Found Kotoro! Taro Persimmon. Doujun and Dousaku (“please no!"). Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production notes: I had some technical issues with some of the videos that OBS created in this session resulting in audio sync problem. The only way I could find to fix them was to cut off the first second or two of each clip. That’s why there’s some clipped audio in this episode.
- Sekiro Pt 73 - Monk On A Bridge. (Abridged video.) AP 8. Fountainhead Palace. Boss Defeated: True Monk (Corrupted Monk) (7 deaths, 8 cumulative deaths, ~30 minutes over two days). Found Idol: Vermilion Bridge. Progression and Exploration. Found Idol: Mibu Palace. 7 total deaths (offscreen). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 74 - Courtyard of Flutes. AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Mibu Palace. Progression and Exploration. Old Woman NPC (“please release my father”). Divine Grass. Found Idol: Flower Viewing Stage. Acquire Skill: A Shinobi’s Karma: Mind (3 pts). 0 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 75 - Purple Karma Bull. AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Flower Viewing Stage. Exploration. Fujioka the Info Broker - Gourd Seed. Emma - Gourd Seed (9). Miniboss Defeated: Sakura Bull of the Palace (0 deaths). Prayer Bead (4). Acquire Skill: A Beast’s Karma. Water of the Palace. Divine Child of Rejuvenation (“pant, pant, pant”) - Rice for Kuro. Lord Kuro (“you like sweet things?"). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 76 - Dodge Ball. AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Flower Viewing Stage. Progression and Exploration. Great Carp sighting. Struggling to move forward. 6:07 I forgot to *use* the healing gourd after selecting it. Thought I had more health than I did. 8:00 Annnnd I forgot to heal after resurrecting, so again I thought I had more health than I did. Shichimen Warrior sighting. Miniboss sighting? Precious Bait (“ring the bell, drop the bait”). Sculptor’s Idol sighting. 2 deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Notes: I tried an experiment in burning subtitles onto this video with ffmpeg. Sometimes I say things live that in retrospect turn out to be wrong or misinformed, and I wanted to see if I could use subtitles to “correct the record” in a relatively easy way.
- Sekiro Pt 77 - Change of Plans. (Abridged video, ~37 min.) AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Flower Viewing Stage. Miniboss: Shichimen Warrior (6 deaths, abandoned). Rot Essence: Faithful One, Pious Mob. “I guess they’re not jump on-able.” (Accidental mic mute.) Miniboss sighting? Found Idol: Near Pot Noble. Pot Noble Koremori (Sells: 1 Dragon’s Blood Droplet @ 1, 2 Lapis Lazuli @ 6, 1 Mask Fragment: Left @ 12). 7 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Notes: I accidentally muted the main mic for a bit, so I had to use the backup microphone track. Always record a backup mic track, kids! Anyway there was a delay starting the clip after that. I pushed the hot key to start recording, then started talking, but the recording didn’t actually start right away, so a second or two of my voice was cut off, where I was coincidentally talking about what a terrible video production it is. :)
- Sekiro Pt 78 - Underwater Exploration. AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Near Pot Noble. Enhance Physical Attributes (Vitality 17). Dragonspring Sake. Found Idol: Great Sakura. Miniboss Defeated: Okami Leader Shizu (0 deaths). Prayer Bead (1). 2 Precious Bait. Miniboss: Headless (0 deaths, fled). Prayer Bead (2). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Notes: I heard some audio glitches toward the end of the video when played back on the iPad.
- Sekiro Pt 79 - Cloudtop. (Abridged video ~35 min.) AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Near Pot Noble. Woman NPC (“you should take the back path”). Great Carp (0 deaths, fled). Found Idol: Palace Grounds. Gourd Seed. Found Idol: Sanctuary. Emma - Gourd Seed (10). Lord Kuro - Sweet Rice Ball (“eat it, don’t be shy!"). Cut Scene: The Divine Realm. Boss: Old Dragons of the Tree, Divine Dragon (1 death). 1 total death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 80 - Like Tears In The Rain. AP 9. Fountainhead Palace: Sanctuary. Boss Defeated: Old Dragons of the Tree, Divine Dragon (2 deaths, 3 cumulative deaths). Kuro’s Room. Memory: Divine Dragon. Divine Dragon’s Tears (“Immortal Severence will be reified”). Emma - Secret Passage Key (“Lord Kuro escaped the castle”). Enhance Attack Power (AP 10). Acquire Skill: Breath of Life: Light (5 pts). Exploration. Miniboss: Ashina Elite - Ujinari Mizuo (1 death, abandoned). Re-Found Idol: Old Grave. Re-Found Idol: Great Serpent Temple. Dragon’s Blood Droplet. 3 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I normally don’t include much of failed boss fight attempts, but since it didn’t take very long this time, I just went ahead and included it all.
- Sekiro Pt 81 - The Secret Passage. AP 10. Dilapidated Temple. Sculptor missing. Fujioka the Info Broker (“so it’s finally begun…"). Hanbei the Undying (“go on, do it!") - Hidden Tooth. Offering Box (added Phantom Kunai, Prayer Bead). Dragonrot Restoration. Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Re-Found Idol: Ashina Castle. Soldier NPC (“help those in the castle outskirts”). Re-Found Idol: Ashina Resevoir. Miniboss: Seven Ashina Spears - Shume Masaji Oniwa (1 death, abandoned). Found Idol: Near Secret Passage. Boss: Genichiro, Way of Tomoe (2 deaths). 3 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: When I came back after my cat interrupted me, naturally I left the main microphone muted and had to use the backup track for the remainder. Sorry about that. But yeah, don’t forget to record backup microphone tracks if you can. :)
- Sekiro Pt 82 - What Lies Within (Part 1). (Abridged video ~3.5 hours.) AP 10. Ashira Castle: Near Secret Passage. Cut Scene: Kuro and Genichiro. Cut Scene: Genichiro and Isshin. Boss: Genichiro, Way of Tomoe and Isshin, the Sword Saint ([1+9=10]+[7+7+8+7+9+10=48]+[2+5+6+6=19]=77 deaths, ~3.5 hours over 3 days, abandoned). Did not reach the third phase. To be continued. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 83 - Red-Eyed Patient. AP 10. Dilapidated Temple. Fujioka the Info Broker - 2 Dragon’s Blood Droplets. Workshop - Double Divine Abduction, Mountain Echo, Phoenix’s Lilac Umbrella. Ashina Castle. Backtracking and Exploration. Ministry Dousing Powder, Fulminated Mercury. Back of the castle lake. Miniboss: Headless (1 death, abandoned). Ashina Resevoir. Underground Waterway. Inside the surgeon’s room. Dosaku’s Note. Doujun (“why won’t you answer me?"). Ghostly Samurai near elevator. Red-Eyed Jinzaemon. 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 84 - Searching and Secrets. (Abridged video ~1 hour.) AP 10. Backtracking and Exploration. Hirata Estate. Found Idol: Hirata Estate - Hidden Temple. Ashina Resevoir. Ashina Castle. Re-Found Idol: Antechamber. Re-Found Idol: Ashina Dojo. Re-Found Idol: Castle Tower Lookout. Sunken Valley: Under-Shrine Valley. Found new area. Progression. Temple? - 3 Ghostly Samarais. Prayer Bead (3). Miniboss: Headless (1 death, abandoned) - trying Phoenix’s Lilac Umbrella. Bell Demon’s Temple secret door. Miniboss: Headless (fled). Dilapidated Temple. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Notes: I probably overused the fast-forwarding here, but hey, I figured out how to script that effect in ffmpeg so dammit I’m using it.
- Sekiro Pt 85 - The Bridge. AP 10. Dilapidated Temple. Offering Box - Prayer Bead (4). Enhance Physical Attributes (Vitality 18). Ashina Castle: Old Grave. Crossing the new bridge. Progression and Exploration. Re-Found Idol: Ashina Outskirts: Underbridge Valley. Re-Found Idol: Outskirts Wall - Stairway. Miniboss: Shigekichi of the Red Guard (1 death). 1 death. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Note: When I said “I didn’t have my …” and trailed off, I was going to say I didn’t have my little DIY shield over my mouse pad to dampen the sound of my fingers slamming the mouse buttons in moments of panic, and had just put it back. :)
- Sekiro Pt 86 - The Howling Was Intense. (Abridged video ~40 min.) AP 10. Miniboss: Shigekichi of the Red Guard (1 death, abandoned). Found Idol: Flames of Hatred. Boss: Demon of Hatred (1 death, abandoned). 2 deaths. It didn’t occur to me until after I finished recording, but I’m convinced the Demon of Hatred *is* the Sculptor, because of its glowing left arm. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 87 - Headless Special. (Abridged video ~45 min.) AP 10. Boss: Genichiro, Way of Tomoe and Isshin, the Sword Saint (2 deaths, ~5 min, abandoned). Hidden Forest. Miniboss Defeated: Headless (5 deaths, 37 cumulative deaths). Gachiin’s Spiritfall. Ashina Outskirts. Miniboss Defeated: Headless (1 death, 2 cumulative deaths). Ako’s Spiritfall. Miniboss Defeated: Headless (0 deaths, 1 cumulative death). Gokan’s Spiritfall. 11 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: This was one of my whiny episodes. I edited out some swears.
- Sekiro Pt 88 - Grape Ape 2.0 Special. AP 10. (Abridged video ~40 min.) Ashina Depths. Boss Defeated: Headless Ape (Guardian Ape) (2 deaths, ~30 min). 2 Prayer Beads (2). Memory: Headless Ape. Acquire Skill: Bestowal Ninjutsu. Found Idol: Guardian Ape’s Burrow. Enhance Attack Power (AP 11). 2 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I did end up cutting about 10 minutes of video from the second unsuccessful boss fight attempt. It was a long fight and there was a lot of running around, not doing anything useful. This was one of my whiny episodes. I edited out some swears.
- Sekiro Pt 89 - Shichimen Warrior Special. AP 11. (Abridged video ~40 min.) Boss: Genichiro, Way of Tomoe and Isshin, the Sword Saint (4 deaths, ~15 min, abandoned) - first time reaching third phase. Fountainhead Palace: Flowing Viewing Stage. Miniboss Defeated: Shichimen Warrior (3 deaths). 7 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: This was one of my whiny episodes. I edited out some swears.
- Sekiro Pt 90 - Underwater Headless Special. AP 11. Ashina Castle: Antechamber. Miniboss Defeated: Headless (1 death, 2 cumulative deaths). Ungo’s Spiritfall. Toxic Memorial Mob - Mottled Green Gourd. Exiled Memorial Mob - Mottled Purple Gourd. Fountainhead Palace. Miniboss Defeated: Headless (4 deaths). Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. I was concentrating too hard to say it, but my plan was to swing a few times, then hit “jump” to avoid the other Headless’s ranged attack, then go back to swinging. Also the Headless’s health *did* reset when I went back to the surface, but the second, spirit Headless did *not* come back. Yashariku’s Spiritfall. Production Note: The final victorious run at the underwater Headless was recorded a day later, chronologically after I recorded episode 91 and before episode 92.
- Sekiro Pt 91 - Elite and Spear Special. (Abridged video ~45 min.) AP 11. Ashina Dojo. Miniboss Defeated: Ashina Elite (2 deaths). Prayer Bead (3). Ashina Resevoir. Miniboss Defeated: ter Ashina Spears (8 deaths). Prayer Bead (4). Enhance Physical Attributes (Vitality 19). 10 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I edited out some swears.
- Sekiro Pt 92 - What Lies Within (Part 2). AP 11. Boss Defeated: Genichiro, Way of Tomoe and Isshin, the Sword Saint (1 death, 84 cumulative deaths, ~4 hours over 6 days). Memory: Saint Isshin. Acquire Skill: Dragon Flash. Give Divine Dragon’s Tears. Cut Scene: Finale. End Credits. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard. Production Note: I have no idea why OBS dropped frames like mad as the credits rolled.
- Sekiro Pt 93 - Fire and Drink. (Abridged video ~35 min.) AP 12. Dilapidated Temple. Dragonrot Restoration. Enhance Attack Power (AP 12). Acquire Skills: Nightjar Slash Reversal (3 pts), Chasing Slice (1 pt). Ashina Outskirts: Stairway. Miniboss Defeated: Red Guard (2 deaths). Prayer Bead (1). Acquire Skill: Mid-air Prosthetic Tool. Dilapidated Temple. Workshop - Spring-load Axe, Improved Sabimaru, Long Spark. 2 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 94 - Umbrella Versus Hatred. (Abridged video ~1.5 hours.) AP 12. Ashina Outskirts. Boss Defeated: Demon of Hatred (11+6+8+7=32 deaths, ~1.5 hours, 33 cumulative deaths over 2 days). Memory: Hatred Demon. Lapis Lazuli. Battlefield Memorial Mob - Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Old Woman NPC (“you know, don’t you?"). Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Dragonrot Restoration. Enhance Attack Power (AP 13). 32 total deaths. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
- Sekiro Pt 95 - The Great Carp Mystery. (Abridged video ~1.25 hours.) AP 13. Pot Noble Harunaga - Red Mottled Gourd. “You have the aroma of the divine realm” - Truly Precious Bait. Found Idol: Feeding Grounds. Fish Man NPC (“Feed… it…"). Ring Bell - give Truly Precious Bait. Treasure Carp Scale. Hirata Estate. Pot Noble Harunaga (“too small… too small…"). Mask Fragment: Left. Lapis Lazuli. Play time 76:26:00, Vitality 19, Attack Power 13. Dungeon Memorial Mob - Mask Fragment: Dragon. Dancing Dragon Mask. Japanese voiceovers, mouse and keyboard.
This page is a static archival copy of what was originally a WordPress post. It was generated from Markdown files with Hugo, a static web site generator. There may be formatting problems that I haven't addressed yet. There may be problems with missing or mangled images that I haven't fixed yet. There may have been comments on the original post, which I have archived, but I haven't quite worked out how to add them to the new site.